From breaking turf in an empty meadow in 1966, to its near maturity in 2023 it is the story of a garden and its plants. That’s a 56-year-old garden with stories to tell. 

More important in Adrian’s view is what the Foggy Bottom Garden represents today and how many more can benefit from sharing it. He shows and describes changes in weather and habitats, dramatic seasonal changes shown through the diversity of many worthwhile plants.  

     How to keep a balance between design and ‘right plant’, ‘right place’ and need for change as the garden grows and develops. Adrian has continually adapted his garden as the once empty windswept meadow became sheltered and shaded. Flooding still happens from time to time, spring frosts seek out early flowers, occasional gale blows the tops out of trees. And then there is the wildlife...

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Adrian Bloom

A note from the author..


My garden is called Foggy Bottom, situated in a meadow on the edge of a small village in Norfolk, England. The story of how it came to be is the second half of this book. 

You, as a privileged visitor, going through this book are being given a private tour by me, as Head Gardener and owner of Foggy Bottom. If you come as an ordinary visitor, we are open as Bressingham Gardens from 10.30am to 5pm and after your journey to get here you can see what there is to see on one day. 

 As my privileged visitor you see the 6-acre garden not just on one day, but magically at several times in the year in a single visit. You are being made aware, through images and copy, as to what makes this garden work. The best time to take in the atmosphere of the garden, is often when the gardens are not open, and in early morning and evening.

This book is your guide, the start if you want, of a journey to learn, think, see, and absorb. You can get to know the design, layout, and vistas. Enjoy the early morning mists, the autumn colour, and the winter light. In close up, see what the photographer sees, imagine yourself behind the lens spotting the spider’s web, the frosted foliage, the veins of leaves. You are in the garden, both alone and sharing. You might even spot some of the wildlife! ‘The Devil is in the Detail’ was a title initially thought of for this book and it is a theme we will come back to time and again. Another trite and sometimes used phrase, ‘look and you will discover, seek and you will find’ is a good note to finish on.


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